A combination of fellowship and spirituality has shown to dramatically reduce risk of relapse. As confirmed in National Institute of Health studies, spirituality and faith provide a source of resilience in long-term sobriety.
Utilizing age-old wisdom of Jewish Spirituality, Makor and its team are helping people shape and inspire their attitude and perspective on some of life's biggest challenges.
Makor integrates Torah and Spirituality with an understanding and sensitivity of mental health concepts to help those in need.
Research has shown the benefits of living a spiritual God- Centered life:
Higher levels of coping,
Greater resilience to stress,
Optimistic life orientation,
Greater perceived social support
Lower anxiety level
For many, Makor can be the right complement to other treatments and modalities for those on their journey to better mental health.
Makor is an apolitical organization that has received wide endorsement of community Rabbis.